July 15, 2019

Daily Archives

  • Don’t Miss These 5 Tips For Improved Social Media Analytics

    If you have clear goals for your brand’s social media, it is important to measure campaign success – we call this process social media analytics. One of the best ways to conduct social media analytics in an organized manner is through an Excel spreadsheet – it will enable you to share your findings with your team easily, make real-time edits and convert data into graphs and bar charts quickly. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s take a look at 5 top notch tips to help you assess your social media analytics better! –

    Tip 1 – Know Which Social Media Metrics to Measure

    In order to measure social media campaign success, you first need to determine which numbers are important to scrutinize – Sales? Site visits? Downloads? Comments? Likes? Tags? DMs? Referrals? UGC? What numbers reflect success? What numbers are average? What numbers are a major red flat? Statistics reveal that conversion rates and engagement are the top 2 metrics to consider, with the former being at 36% and the latter at 35%.

    Tip 2 – Identify Changes in Audience Behaviour by Examining Follower Growth

    The best way to engage several potential customers and increase traffic is by having a good number of real social media followers. Input the follower count per platform into your Excel sheet so you can track growth every month.

    Pro Tip – Cyfe is a popular social media dashboard tool, which helps track and monitor social media data to measure success of various social activities.

    Tip 3 – Monitor Brand Engagement Closely

    Your followers and impressions are only of use if you get enough engagement out of it. Comments, re-pins and retweets affirm the fact that the content you are sharing is of interest to your followers. Input the number of posts per month by category (i.e. video, contest, JPG, testimonial, blog link, infographic, etc.) and the total number of comments / likes / shares / DMs. Doing so will allow you to find out what sort of content is drawing the best engagement amongst your follower base, so you can plan better editorial content.

    Pro Tip – Consider also tracking your competition’s social media performance side-by-side, too, so you know where you really stand in comparison.

    Tip 4 – Spot Reach-Related Irregularities by Looking at Impressions

    The number of individuals who see your social media updates regularly is collectively known as impressions. Top social networks have such built-in analytics. Record all the impressions in your spreadsheet at set intervals, and also keep a note of each period’s posting frequency. Look for spikes and try to identify what caused it to occur.

    Tip 5 – Review Traffic and Clicks Closely

    Since clicks influence Web traffic immensely (and, sales, if you’re an e-commerce portal), it is an important metric to observe. Not all clicks result in traffic; but if there is a massive difference between them, it clearly indicates that something is wrong with your site – most probably the loading time. Note the referred traffic on each of your social networks on the excel spreadsheet for better analysis of platforms that are performing well and platforms that aren’t adding any value.

    It is also important to pay attention to the sort of audience profile you’re drawing – if your ideal customer base is women between the ages of 30-40, and your analytics reflects traffic of men between the ages of 50-60, clearly there is an issue that needs to be addressed.

    We hope these five pointers helps you analyse your social media performance more thoroughly so you can improve future campaigns, accordingly! Make sure you input all the data above accurately. And, if you need any expert help with social media strategy, auditing and analytics, feel free to contact our team right here.

    Sources –